LACLO Sesión 10: Innovación educativa - innovación pedagógica (1)

  • Construction of a virtual museum as an educational tool for cultural learning. Perú

    • Autor(es): Hesmeralda Rojas, Ronald Renteria, Marisol Pilares, Willie Alvarez, Kevin Arias and Vladimiro Ibañez
    • Abstract: Today's museums, in addition to their traditional roles, are places to provide research, delight, and education. In order to bring them closer to citizens, various museums have opted for the creation of virtual spaces, but, these constructions have focused mainly on presenting the virtual tour, adding additional information on the cultural site such as text, video or images, however, learning requires deeper processes that involve the visitor, for this reason, the construction of digital educational material was carried out to support the learning of the cultural process of the museum collection. In this sense, a study on the present concept of museums and the relationship between virtual museums and education was conducted. In addition, the experimental context, in which the project was performed, is presented. The educational tool has been developed in accordance with the Methodology for Teaching Material Production in the era of ICT, which consists of the following stages: contextual stage, didactic-pedagogic stage, communicative stage, and technological stage. Furthermore, an evaluation on the pedagogical aspect of the educational tool and the website usability was carried out, obtaining positive results in both cases.
    • Expositor(a): Hesmeralda Rojas


  • Collaborative learning and its relationship with the classmates affective support with the COLLES questionnaire application. Perú

    • Autor(es): Olger Gutiérrez Aguilar, Miriam Martínez Delgado and Fanny Paredes Quispe
    • Abstract: The main objective is to know the relationship of the Affective Support factor from the questionnaire Constructivist On-Line Learning Environment Survey (COLLES). This questionnaire has a Likert type consisting on 24 items and six factors, with the collaborative learning, for which it was proposed the validation of an educational model mediated by a Moodle LMS, based on collaboration, which began through a process of validation and homologation of the instrument. The instrument was applied in a section of 26 students on the 5th grade of primary education, in a pilot program in the Moquegua region in Peru. The following procedures were followed: first, an exploratory factorial analysis was carried out with SPSS and in a second phase, a confirmatory factorial analysis, using the PLS-SEM methodology, which is a multivariate method called Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares. The results confirmed that Affective Support is the determining factor for collaborative learning, mediated by an educational model B – learning.
    • Expositor(a): Olger Albino Gutiérez Aguilar


  • E-LEARNING tool for virtual capacitation in sustainable forest management of the urban and rural sector in cities of the 8 countries of the Amazon basin. Perú

    • Autor(es): Isaac Ocampo Yahuarcani, Vicente Guadalupe, Roberto Sanchez Saravia, Rodolfo Cárdenas Vigo, Juan José Bellido Collahuacho, Lelis Antony Saravia Llaja, Angela Milagros Nuñez Satalaya, Evelin Alana Rojas Alva and Jorge Armando Ayarza Rengifo
    • Abstract: This work includes the development and validation of a computerized e-learning platform for training in sustainable forest management and biodiversity conservation oriented to urban, rural and indigenous populations in the 8 countries of the Amazon basin. This tool has been called "Regional Platform for Information and Knowledge Exchange" - PRIC and was developed in the framework of the implementation of the Amazon Regional Observatory (ARO) promoted by ACTO, through the ITTO/CDB/ACTO project. The Amazon Basin contains considerable natural and cultural wealth, however, it has been affected by various legal and illegal economic activities among which are illegal logging and trafficking of wood, large-scale migratory and commercial agriculture, among others that are generating deforestation, water pollution and even loss of Amazon culture and language, so it is necessary to manage and handle Amazon natural resources appropriately. In this way, the development of capacities, supported by on-line computer tools, of diverse actors related to the sustainability of forest management, becomes an effective means to increase the capacity to sustainably manage the Amazon forest and guarantee its sustainability. This work included the identification and analysis of requirements, design, development, validation and feedback of services. The platform has a hybrid virtual training mechanism that combines the typical LMS e-learning model with the MOOC mass training model, which are complemented by resources such as virtual forums, webinars, chats, etc. The socialization and validation with users from the 8 countries has been successful and through the feedback of the participants, some functional details have been adjusted.
    • Expositor(a): Isaac Ocampo Yahuarcani


  • Significant learning activities (ASA) in the modality of face-to-face studies with integration of virtual educational media in Engineering careers. Ecuador

    • Autor(es): Joe Llerena and Raquel Ayala-Carabajo
    • Abstract: This study presents a set of significant learning activities (here called ASA) in various subjects of engineering careers of the Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, in the city of Guayaquil (academic period from May to September 2019) developed in the modality of face-to-face studies with the support of a virtual learning environment (Moodle platform) that adapts Kolb's instructional design. The application of an educational strategy that involves planning, integration, continuous evaluation and improvement of a set of significant learning activities (which respond to teaching, practical-experimental and autonomous work components) leads to generating real experiences to deepen learning, experimentation, dialogue and self-reflection for students, in a dynamic that integrates virtuality in a context of presence, making a solid contribution to the digital transformation of university education.
    • Expositor(a): 


  • Teachers’ Strategies for a Multimodal Teaching Model in Higher Education. Uruguay

    • Autor(es): Mariana Porta, Regina Motz and Daniel de Queiroz Lopes
    • Abstract: This article presents a case of a four-year experience of implementation of a higher education program for students in their first year of studies in the social sciences and humanities, one of the many programs offered by Universidad de la República (UDELAR) in its decentralization process. The program has been designed and implemented as a regional project, with a multimodal teaching model, which has developed on the basis of three components: face to face classes, videoconferencing and a Moodle platform. This paper provides an account of the action research cycle of CIOS proposal development, its implementation strategy and the process by which teachers got involved in the digital competency building endeavor required. It intends to provide a systematic account of this process experienced by this particular community of teachers, as they have gone through a technology appropriation process and they have engaged in ongoing course redesign.
    • Expositor(a): Mariana Porta


En 2020, CLEI y LACLO serán realizados conjuntamente potencializando el intercambio entre ambas comunidades, en Loja - Ecuador