LACLO Sesión 7: Accesibilidad
- Multisensorial Audiobooks. Brasil
- Autor(es): Helder Yukio Okuno, Silvino Netto and Gustavo Guedes
- Abstract: Electronic books (e-books) and audiobooks are gaining popularity in the last years. Both have been the subject of studies to expand their basic functionalities. In the case of e-books, many studies are found, such as enhanced e-books and Multisensorial Books. On the other hand, little has aimed to extend audiobooks, for example, the interactive audiobooks. In this scenario, our work proposes Multisensorial Audiobooks, a new extension of traditional audiobooks. This model uses multisensorial media elements to enhance the quality of experience of listeners. Multisensorial Audiobooks is created to consider accessibility; that is, it can benefit visually impaired individuals, and, at the same time, dyslexia individuals. We also present a Multisensorial Audiobooks prototype, named as MulseBook. It is based on the Multisensorial Books model, which has presented promising results in previous studies. Preliminary tests with MulseBook architecture indicates that the Multisensorial Audiobooks model can be implemented as an extension of traditional audiobooks. This work also presents the first story created to be executed with MulseBoook.
- Expositor(a): Helder Yukio Okuno
- Mobile Technology and Extended Reality for Deaf People: A systematic review of the open access literature. Ecuador
- Autor(es): Evelyn Del Pezo Izaguirre, María J. Abásolo and César A. Collazos
- Abstract: The present study is a systematic review of the scientific literature, published between 2006 and early 2020 with open access, which aims to know the use, by non-hearing people, of mobile technology and Extended Reality, encompassing this term to Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality applications that seek to improve human-computer interaction through sensory experiences. Particularly, applications used for teaching-learning are analyzed, inquiring, among other questions, what are the didactic themes, the target groups and the sign language used. The results show a high predisposition to the use of mobile technology due to the ease of use of visual / tactile resources. There is still a reduced but promising use of Extended Reality, which allows a field of application of new contributions for the development of the deaf community.
- Expositor(a): Evelyn del Pezo Izaguirre
- Active Learning Methodologies and Industry 4.0 skills development - A Systematic Review of the Literature. Brasil
- Autor(es): André Luiz Maciel Santana and Roseli de Deus Lopes
- Abstract: This paper presents the main results of a systematic review of the literature that investigated Active Learning Methodologies for teaching the skills required from engineers by Industry 4.0. The products include non-technical skills covered in research in the area and the relationship of the technical knowledge explored in each paper with the pillars of Industry 4.0. Also included are the most frequently methodologies related to this theme and teaching methodologies that complement the development of engineering skills with Project-Based Teaching (PBL) approaches. A formal protocol was used, applied using manuals and search filters. Exclusion criteria were involved, rejecting all papers associated with at least one exclusion criterion defined in the protocol. After applying the search string, 2570 articles were collected, of which only 18 were allowed without restrictions due to the exclusion requirements. This research allowed us to answer the following research questions: Which active learning methodologies are often used in conjunction with Project-Based Approaches (PBL) to improve the profile of the engineer in Industry 4.0? What skills are these students developing? How are performance assessments carried out during and after applying these methodologies? What is the relationship between classroom strategies and real-world problem-solving? The main results indicate that most of the mapped works are almost as naturally as the skills associated with computer simulation. However, few studies have explored more than two pillars of Industry 4.0 during classroom activities. Among the non-technical skills, such as those most often cited in teamwork, were communication (written and oral), learning autonomy, and time management. It was also possible to identify that there were three main groups of approaches focused on solving real-world problems. The first group focused on solving real-world problems to improve technical skills (required by the industry or by the university). The second one, focused on solving problems that are part of everyday life and social student interaction. A third group that develops projects to evaluate technical and non-technical skills focused on a technology, a tool, or to consider a model.
- Expositor(a): André Luiz Maciel Santana
- Accessible Augmented Reality to support chemistry teaching. Brasil
- Autor(es): Guilherme H. Paciulli, Matheus T. Faccin, Ygor C. de Lima and Maria Amelia Eliseo
- Abstract: Learning technologies are innovating the Education, offering resources that enrich the teaching-learning process. Among the various resources offered, Augmented Reality (AR) stands out, where real and virtual worlds are mixed. However, AR brings visual-based interactions only, blocking any experiences from students with visual limitations. Therefore, this work explored the accessibility guidelines in order to match the experience of a visually impaired user with a non-impaired user while interacting with AR. Thus, to verify if this is possible an AR application, Accessible Chemistry, was developed. Based on assistive technologies, it aimed to teach concepts of atoms connections and compounds formations to students with low vision. Finally, a predictive evaluation was made to validate it'’s accessibility.
- Expositor(a): Maria Amelia Eliseo
- Prototipo para consulta de información de Covid a través de un asistente de voz. Ecuador
- Autor(es): Paúl Andrés Cuenca and Juan Carlos Morocho-Yunga
- Abstract: Con el surgimiento de los asistentes de voz muchas actividades que realizan las personas diariamente se volvieron más fáciles de realizar. El envío de simples comandos de voz a los asistentes para ejecutar acciones predefinidas permite brindar mayor accesibilidad a personas con dificultades para manipular objetos o aplicaciones. En este trabajo, se ha recolectado datos acerca de la pandemia de Covid-19 publicados por el Servicio Nacional de Gestión de Riesgos y Emergencias y del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Ecuador. Estos datos han permitido estructurar una base de datos sobre la que un prototipo de asistente de voz ofrece un servicio de consultas. Las consultas se generan de forma dinámica tomando como entrada el lenguaje natural. A través del aprendizaje automático que provee IBM Watson se puede facilitar las respuestas a los usuarios simulando una conversación. Este prototipo pretende mejorar la calidad de vida de la población al proporcionar acceso a información de la pandemia Covid-19 de una manera accesible.
- Expositor(a): Paúl Andrés Cuenca