LACLO 2020
XV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Tecnologías de Aprendizaje
XV Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies
XV Conferência Latino-americana de Tecnologias de Aprendizagem
LACLO and CLEI 2020 will take place together to promote the exchange between communities.
The Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies - LACLO has been taking place annually since 2006, the same year that the Latin American Learning Objects Community (LACLO) was created. Learning technologies can now be considered a cornerstone of the new era of education, with the power to improve educational attainment. In this context, LACLO aims to be a forum where researchers, developers and education professionals can exchange experiences on several aspects of technological development applied to the context of learning.
Place: Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Campus Universitario UTPL/ Loja – Ecuador
Date: 19 al 23 de Octubre de 2020
LACLO - Previous editions
LACLO was achieved for the first time in Guayaquil in 2006, and was organized by the Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL). In that same year, the Latin American Community of Learning Objects (LACLO) was created. Since then, the conference has been organized annually in different region countries (Santiago - Chile in 2007, Aguascalientes - Mexico in 2008, Mérida - Mexico in 2009, Sao Paulo - Brazil in 2010, Montevideo - Uruguay in 2011, Guayaquil - Ecuador in 2012, Valdivia - Chile in 2013, Manizales - Colombia in 2014 and Maceió - Brazil in 2015, San Carlos, Costa Rica in 2016, La Plata, Argentina 2017, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2018, México 2019 y Loja - Ecuador 2020).

LACLO 2019
In 2019, the University of Baja California Sur, UABCS, Mexico, coordinates the work of the XIV Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technology (LACLO 2019). This conference did take place on October 30, 31 and November 1, 2019, in the city of San Jose del Cabo, Baja California Sur, Mexico.