LACLO Sesión 1: Educación Abierta

Chairs: Msc. Paola Andrade - Msc. Elizabeth Cadme


  • Immersive and Collaborative learning: an educational resource for mathematical training in medicine. Ecuador

      • Autor(es): Yuliana Jimenez Gaona, Irene Carrillo Mayenquer, Yadira Ludeña and Darwin Castillo Malla
      • Abstract: Advances in molecular biology and medicine are generating new technologies and opportunities, where mathematics is a science that has a fundamental role, especially to enhance and contribute to human health through research. This science helps to develop different future scenarios; such as an epidemic, dissemination of a virus, clinical analysis, diagnostic tests, pharmacokinetics, among others, demonstrating that health science professionals are constantly using and interpreting mathematical data collected. However, the teaching of this science has been limited to passive learning, where the student is only a recipient of information, generating low academic performance and increased student dropout. Based on this, an immersive and collaborative learning methodology is proposed for the teaching of mathematics in students of the first medical year at the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. The methodology involves distributing students into two experimental and control groups. The first group contains 48 students and the control group 72 students. The experimental group used clinical cases, mathematical models, TIC´s and augmented reality applications to provide solutions to medical issues. The other group learned mathematics in a traditional way. As a result, teachers perceive a more active participation (>50%) by the experimental group based on their academic averages and the results of the survey; the latter results indicated that a medium-high average feels motivated to learn mathematics and to know its applicability in bioscience.
      • Expositor(a): Yuliana Jiménez


    • Peruvian Postgraduate Students' Perception Towards the Use of Digital Technologies. Perú

      • Autor(es): María Chávez-Chuquimango and Eliana Gallardo-Echenique
      • Abstract: This paper examines how postgraduate students use and perceive digital technologies in Tacna, a border region at the south of Peru. The study was positioned in the interpretive paradigm with qualitative research design. Semi-structured interview with open-ended questions was selected as the means of data. Thematic analysis was employed to analyse the verbatim transcription as outlined by Braun and Clarke. The digital technologies that participants mostly use are the Smartphone, laptop, Smart TV, WhatsApp, email, the university's institutional Intranet and social networks (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter). The students are aware of the benefits of using digital technologies for academic and social purposes such as communication, closeness, access to information, entertainment, among others.
      • Expositor(a): María Chávez-Chuquimango


    • Cycle of Transformation of Open and Linked Medical Data to improve the training of health professionals. Ecuador

      • Autor(es): Monica Calva and Nelson Piedra
      • Abstract: Health science is one of the areas that generates large amounts of information that is still unexploited in several fields, including education. The organization and release of this information could contribute enormously in supporting decision making, research, and innovation in this discipline, as well as improving the knowledge of health professionals. However, these data are stored in isolated information silos, where access is limited. This paper presents an approach to transform medical data into open and linked data, thus strengthening clinical research and academia.
      • Expositor(a): Monica Calva


    • Prototype proposal for the selection of OER using quality criteria. Ecuador

      • Autor(es): Audrey Romero-Pelaez and René Elizalde
      • Abstract: Open Educational Resources (OER) have a promising future in Higher Education and becoming accepted by academics as a feasible means to use in the teaching-learning process. However, these resources are challenging to find and reuse, due to three essential factors: poor visibility of resources on the web, little confidence in their quality, and lack of understanding about the license to use. This paper presents a proposal for developing a prototype that supports the search and selection of OER that users need to incorporate into their educational practices. The prototype must generate quality assessment metrics based on the proposed model according to the three dimensions of OER. Its prototype will be available for users to use for the selection of educational resources.
      • Expositor(a): Audrey Romero-Pelaez

    CLEI LACLO 2020

    En 2020, CLEI y LACLO serán realizados conjuntamente potencializando el intercambio entre ambas comunidades, en Loja - Ecuador