LACLO Sesión 6: Aplicaciones tecnológica para la educación (2)

  • Synchronized and Shared Board for learning and teaching in confinement times. Perú

    • Autor(es): Manuel Ibarra, Herwin Alayn Huillcen Baca, Ramon Quispe, Yalmar Ponce, Mario Aquino Cruz and Eliana Ibarra
    • Abstract: This project shows the implementation of a digital shared board to teach and learn remotely in real-time. In the server-side, the software uses WebSockets, NodeJS and Whitebophir, in the client-side it is not necessary to configure or install nothing, it is only required to invoke a web navigator. The system runs in a personal computer, tablet and smartphones. The teachers can use to do exercises or to evaluate. It is designed for the child from 5 to 7 years old. Three teachers in Apurimac and Cusco evaluated the software, and they agreed that the software could help teachers and students to learn and evaluate.
    • Expositor(a): Eliana Magda Ibarra Cabrera


  • How to locate where a device is using a web application. Perú

    • Autor(es): Yalmar Ponce, Rembrandt Ubalde Enriquez, Manuel Ibarra and Julio César Huanca Marín
    • Abstract: The possibility of locating people is currently a highly demanded resource. In some cases it may be controversial, as the reasons for seeking this possibility may be malicious. However, there are also good reasons to want to locate people, from monitoring dependent people (especially children or minors) to controlling staff during work hours. In any case, there are some possibilities to achieve geolocation without cost and with currently available resources. The simplest and most effective way is through web browsers and this allows any modern device to allow using this possibility. Although this functionality is not new, since it has been available since the past decade, it is very useful and inexpensive and has allowed location through Web browser connections, based on Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The World Wide Web Consortium (w3c) geolocation API specification defines a standard for accessing location services in the browser through JavaScript. The w3c Geolocation and the Device and Sensor Working Groups have addressed these demands with the specification of a Georeferencing API that is no longer maintained for the original version, but recently efforts have resumed. In this research work, geolocation resources have been used to locate college students who have been provided with University resources (cellphone and computer) so that they can receive teaching through a virtual platform teaching. The concern of the University is that the students are really where they have declared as their address and so the University wants to see that the teams are there and are not elsewhere.
    • Expositor(a): Yalmar Ponce Atencio


  • Pacha-Tupuy: Mobile application to teach and learn geometry. Perú

    • Autor(es): Mario Aquino Cruz, Karla Farfán Dávalos, Manuel Ibarra, Herwin Alayn Huillcen Baca and Flor De Luz Palomino Valdivia
    • Abstract: In this research work, we propose to approach the concept of augmented reality and its applications in a context of teaching learning of geometry, for second grade students of secondary education, in this way helping teachers to better face difficulties Faced by the students for the acquisition of this knowledge, the measurement scales of learning achievements issued by the Ministry of Education were used to measure the impact of the Pacha-Tupuy mobile application, as an alternative tool for teaching geometry. , and the results obtained are significant, obtaining 63.7% of the expected achievement, 23% in process and finally 9.7% at start.
    • Expositor(a): Mario Aquino Cruz


  • Web Application for managing the Techno-pedagogical Assessment of Virtual Learning Environments in the Virtual Campus of the Central University of Venezuela: GENETVI. Venezuela

    • Autor(es): Yosly Hernández Bieliukas and Miguel Magdalena
    • Abstract: This research was contextualized in the Distance Education System of the UCV where the absence of a comprehensive evaluation mechanism from the perspective of the students and of the teaching coordination of the Virtual Learning Environments was evidenced, at the undergraduate and graduate levels and / or extension either in distance, mixed mode or as support to face-to-face subjects, hosted in the Virtual Campus. Reason for which, to systematize and automate this process, assessment instruments based on the MEI-SEaD Model were built, which were implemented in a Web Application called GENETVI, incorporated into the University's Virtual Campus, as an innovative tool for the management of the evaluation from a pedagogical and technological vision of these educational spaces for their constant improvement. For the construction of this tool, an adaptation of the Scrum framework was used, including the use of the following technologies: on the server side there is the Laravel framework with the use of its object-relational mapping technique (ORM ) that is compatible with various database management systems such as PostgreSQL or Mysql, while on the client side, it has the hypertext markup language (HTML 5), cascading style sheets (CSS) and the Jquery libraries and Bootstrap.
    • Expositor(a): Yosly Hernández Bieliukas


En 2020, CLEI y LACLO serán realizados conjuntamente potencializando el intercambio entre ambas comunidades, en Loja - Ecuador